Putting Our Clients First
Our Cost
Conduit only gets compensated when investing on your
behalf if the investment generates a capital gain or income.
At Conduit, we offer truly independent of industry advice. We don’t just claim to be independent or to be acting in our client’s interest as a fiduciary as conventional investment advisors do. We are the only firm that is truly acting in a fiduciary manner, doing what is in the client’s interest, because we don’t limit our investments to the 3,671 publicly-traded investments or their derivatives when there are millions of alternative investment options in the US alone that can offer higher returns on investment with considerably less risk.
As fiduciaries, we must be transparent and explain how we get compensated. We either get paid a fee from you for the advice that we provide, or we get paid a percent of the revenue that the investment generates as investment managers. In other words, if the investment does not generate income, we won’t get paid a penny. In short, Conduit only gets compensated when investing on your behalf if the investment generates a capital gain or income, and then our compensation is only a percentage of that cash disbursement.
As a result of our economic interest being in line with yours, it doesn’t work for us and doesn’t work for you to leave money on the table. This means the investments that we own, whether wholly or in part, like Apple, Google, etc. will not be permitted to hoard billions of dollars when our investors need the money distributed to them for their own “growth and acquisition” purposes.
How can we help?
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