Don't Just Do It
Do what works
Investing works, but not all investments work the same. What works for most financial advisors (stocks, bonds and mutual funds), doesn’t work for us. One of the things that we make clear at our firm is that we insist on doing what works. The problem is many investment advisors and fund managers can claim that they are doing what works too. The question is: How are you defining the word “work”?
We assure you that what it means to Conduit Investment Advisors isn’t what your conventional broker, investment advisor or financial planner recommends. Our definition is based on science; it is based on what our founder discovered. Click here to read “Don’t Just Do It. Do What Works!” (principle #3) that he shares in his Get What No One Gives: Economic Momentum, book 1 of 3 in his Gainology book series.
The stock market only works if you redefine the word “works.” Waiting 30 to an indefinite number of years to break even on a conventional investment doesn’t work for our clients. Therefore, if you want low to no yielding retail investments, like Amazon and Google, go to a conventional investment advisor. However, if you want investments and advice that work for you by maximizing gains and minimizing losses, Conduit Can Do It™